December 2022: What is causing my shortness of breath, uncontrollable cough And Constant wheezing?
New Research Reveals...
The real problem is this little known, yet powerfulairway blocking proteinsilently hindering your ability to breathe...

"The Damage To Your Lungs This Nasty Protein Causes, Explains the real Hidden reason Why breathing machines, pumps, cough mixtures and rescue packs Don't Work For So Many sufferers..."

Do you see this photo?
Look closely.
Because even though it might not look like anything special...
...this "blocked pipe" explains WHY your lungs are clogged up and desperately trying to get air…
Leading to wheezing, chest tightness, constant coughing, shortness of breath, & excess mucus... that saps your energy & damages your breathing and lung function.
This "airway blocking protein" detected by American Scientists may provide proof…
That your struggle to finally get a deep breath isn’t completely caused by... avoiding smoking, pollutants, allergies and poor breathing habits...
(...like cigarettes, ammonia, hay or air borne respiratory ailments.)
In fact, it may actually have to do with an entirely different part of your body...
That is causing your airways to look like a blocked pipe...

This scientific breakthrough explains why common treatments like...
..cough mixtures, home remedies, pumps, guaifenesin and rescue packs aren't as effective in providing long term results...
In fact, this cutting-edge research shows that these common remedies can even make your problem WORSE over time...
Leading to you feeling even more frustrated, confused, and possibly disabled by this nightmare...
So if you have any of the following symptoms…

Chronic cough (either productive or dry)
Chronic cough (either productive or dry)

Excess mucus production
Excess mucus production

Tightness in your chest, or a feeling that something is stuck in you chest

Wheezing (High-pitched, whistle like sound) when you breathe
It's important that you stop everything you're doing...
And read this article immediately to understand your condition before the damage gets any worse...
Especially if you are over the age of 50.
But before I explain why this is happening to you, let me first introduce myself...
Hi, my name is Melissa Cernovich...
First and foremost, I am a Mother of 3 (Nicholas, Sandy, and Jonathan), a wife to my loving husband Peter, and the Daughter of 2 amazing parents (Martha & Lee)…
But what I am most famous for is being a lead researcher at: herbalteatherapy.com
At our research firm, we work with a variety of specialists including…
- Harvard trained Medical Doctors
- Respiratory physicians
- Asthma educators
- Respiratory Physiotherapist

We work with doctors & respiratory therapists of this caliber, for one simple reason...
To help our patients end their suffering from lung problems…
Because of our research, we’ve quickly become enemy #1 and this places a target on our back by every doctor & pharmaceutical company around the world!
For good reason… we’ve exposed their expensive procedures & drugs for what they really are...
Dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
Corruption at it's finest!
There's A Hidden Reason Why Most Solutions You've Tried In The Past, Have Only Provided "Short Term" & Temporary Relief...

If you're reading this, you've probably tried countless "Doctor Recommended Solutions" to try and make your breathing better...
Sure, they may provide temporary relief... but for many, they’re nothing more than an expensive short term solution.
I've seen too many patients get worse and worse by trying these "quick fixes" that never work long term...
But the cold hard truth is if you don't fix the CORE reason that's hindering your ability to breathe, then soon you might not even be able to climb stairs, change your bed sheets, or even take a shower... without feeling short of breath...
A recent scientific discovery has revealed that many cases of lung issues are actually due to an "airway blocking protein" that completely hinders your ability to breathe...
When this protein takes over, it activates a sequence of "lung destroying events" that interferes with our lung’s natural ability to protect itself, and severely restricts your airflow…
Which cannot be solved with a drug or surgery...
So, if you’re suffering from lung issues and have difficulty breathing...
I can’t tell you how important it is for you to take action immediately and not wait until a full-blown crisis makes this nightmare so much worse and takes you down...
Or even worse... lifelong damage to your lung health that rips your life apart into tiny little puzzle pieces that you can never put back together...

And that's why I devoted my life to helping people with this problem...
I've heard countless stories of broken families, desperate families who would do anything to get help for their loved one who was suffering...
But they were lost on what to do and where to get started...
I knew I needed to help these desperate families piece back their families by finding a safe, effective and powerful solution...
It all started when I read stories that sent shivers down my spine and tears down my face...
Heartbreaking stories of mothers and fathers, grandparents aging 20, 30, 40 years in the span of a few years, or even months...
So before I start this I must warn you...
It's 4:31am and I haven't slept a wink.
It's hard to breathe when I'm laying down, and every 10-15 minutes, when I start dozing off...
My wheezing and coughing haunt my sleep and prevent me from getting any rest...
Although sitting upright relieve my chest tightness, it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to fall asleep...
I've tried rescue packs, inhalers, medication, breathing machines and everything else my doctor recommended... but NOTHING works!

I have to sleep in another bedroom so my husband can get some sleep and it's ruining our relationship.
I feel like a child that he takes care of...
He helps me up and down the stairs like I'm some "old lady" - no wonder our sex life is DEAD!
And if that wasn't bad enough, I lost my job after 17 years of devoting my life to my career...
My coughing was labelled a distraction and the clients were disgusted by the yellow and brown stuff I'd cough up...
All the crap my doctor told me to try is NOT helping me, I am at the end of my rope.
My life has turned into a nightmare, please help me, I don't know what else to do and I'm scared how long I'll suffer for.
I'm using my inhaler and I take my meds the doctor gave me when I have trouble breathing...

I even bring my rescue packs with me everywhere I go, but it's not getting any better... what do I do?
Every morning I wake up feeling like I'm trapped in a nightmare, I can't keep suffering like this...
I can't sleep, I can't exercise, and I can't even walk up the stairs or take a shower anymore...
This is ruining my golden years and making my grandkids think I'm lazy and don't love them because I can't play with them...
I've become depressed and anxious about how long I'll struggle with my breathing issues...
I've always been fit and active, so it's killing me that I'm basically disabled...
I don't understand why this is happening or what to do to make it go away...
I've had nasty coughing spells at dinner in front of friends and family, and it's disgusting...
I have to get up and walk out before I cough up phlegm that will ruin everyone's stomach...
I don't even want to go out in public anymore, because it's humiliating when the next coughing fit will strike...
Today was the first day of my life that I actually thought about suicide...

It's scary to admit, but I'm living in hell and I don't know how to escape.
The panic of feeling like you're choking and can't breathe is too much...
Feeling like I'm running out of breath and the depression of not seeing a road to recovery is mentally and emotionally draining...
6 months in, and I almost gave in.
I started looking at my "options" to end the suffering once and for all.
But then my grandkids flung the front door open, running towards me with their arms open to hug me...
I knew that I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it to them...
I needed to find a way to get my health and life back, but I'm running out of options...
After listening to hundreds of patients, I know how it feels to suffer every minute of every day. It feels like you're living in a nightmare that you don't wake up from...
- Depressing thoughts fill your mind like "Will I suffer for the rest of my life?"
- The fear of having no real solutions to the problem...
- The fear of not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...
- The fear of being a burden on your family, your own spouse needing to take care of you like a child...
- The fear of people cracking jokes and asking what's wrong with me?
- The fear of choking while I sleep...
I spent years trying to help my patients with their breathing challenges caused by various health issues...
But when it came to coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing...
Inhalers, rescue packs, and mainstream medications were not getting the job done helping my patients feel better...
And even expensive lung transplants were not getting the long-term results that my patients needed to live a long, healthy life...
I felt like a failure as a doctor...
I knew that science had a solution, but I was shocked that it would come from nature...
For thousands of years, people have been fixing all kinds of health problems with little-known natural solutions...
You don't have to take the "mainstream medical establishment" route...
Laying in bed, sleeping all day, getting frustrated!
I get it, that's the easy way out...
And I know you're desperately trying everything to fix yourself...
Rescue pumps, inhalers, cough suppressants, breathing machines and prescriptions medications

Yet no matter what you try...
You still wake up in the nightmare and it simply won't go away...
"I started feeling like my own mother didn't love me..."
It started off when she stopped coming to family events like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthdays...
She missed my birthday and my son's birthday 3 years in a row and I was devastated...
Then it got so bad that my mom didn't want to leave her bedroom, it was a chore for her to take showers and go up and down the stairs...

So my dad and I would bring her food every day and night...
It felt like my mom was 95 even though she was only 55 years old...
These breathing issues changed her...
It made her a shell of herself...
The worst version of herself...
We worry she will live the rest of her life suffering like this...
It kills me to watch my own mother suffer and simply survive day to day...
One night, she got upset and frustrated and tried to give herself a shower without my dad helping and she slipped and fell and broke her hip...
This cause a whole slew of new problems...
And it led her to becoming even more depressed...
I was seeing red with anger when I discovered that none of my mom's pain and suffering was necessary...
Which leads me to The #1 LIE when it comes to trying to fix your lung issues…
If you want to put an end to blocked airways and shortness of breath, you have to get RID of the root cause of the problem...
...Not just try and "mask" the problem.
This is why other solutions out there like cough suppressant, steroids and over the counter medications like guaifenesin can leave you worse off than you were before…
Most over the counter suppressants are completely useless in dealing with the root cause!
One group of Australian scientists looked at over 35 clinical studies on obstructive lung conditions and concluded...

“It is now clear that the three most widely used, and guideline-recommended medicines for cough and mucus clearance do not provide clinically important effects over placebo.”
In other words?
They’re good for nothing.
Then there’s the other Webmd study that shows over the counter cough suppressants do NOT even help with your cough!!
I know that’s a bold claim, but I’ll prove it to you.
Take over the counter cough suppressant, for example.
Doctors love to prescribe them...
… So much so that we spend nearly billions of dollars every year on them.
This is despite the fact they don’t solve the root cause of the problem
And despite the fact that, when it comes to lung damage, the science is crystal clear...
Most doctors have it all wrong.
They’re great when it comes to putting you together after a bad accident.
But they’re lousy at fixing things that can’t be cured with dangerous procedures or a pill!

Lie #2: If You Don't Smoke, You Won't Experience Lung Damage!
Breathing in air pollution, cigarette smoke, and other irritants can damage the lungs and even cause health conditions...
Maintaining the health of the lungs is essential for keeping the rest of the body healthy.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to air pollution results in 4.2 million deaths worldwide each year.
Cigarette smoking is the cause of death for 1 in every 5 people.
The number of Americans exposed to unhealthy spikes in air pollution has been rising consistently, according to a new report by the American Lung Association.

- A total of 63.2 million are being exposed to such conditions, up from 49.6 million four years ago.
- As many as 1 out of 4 Americans with COPD never smoked cigarettes.
- However, smoking accounts for as many as 8 out of 10 COPD-related deaths
- And 38% of the nearly 16 million U.S. adults diagnosed with COPD report current smoking.
While you can’t entirely undo years of damage from air pollution, environmental irritants and cigarette smoking, the best thing you can do to “detox your lungs” is to protect them from any further damage.
Additionally, a person can also incorporate certain lifestyle behaviors, such as regular exercise and eating well or creating a lung clearing self care routine.
"Big Pharma Has Been intentionally suppressing research About natural solutions For breathing problems... To Fatten Their Pockets!"
The more I researched and learned, the more I became enraged!!
I discovered the biggest pharmaceutical companies, were doing everything in their power to keep natural solutions hidden from the public.
You can't patent or trademark a "natural" solution...
So they were paying millions of dollars to their legal teams to shut down ANY company offering "natural solutions to improving your breathing" so they could eliminate all potential competition!
And while they would do this, they would be advertising their own "chemically made" short term fixes, which would fatten their wallet's to the tune of BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars.
Most of these pills that the corporations were pushing had little to no real science behind them...
Well unless you count the pharmaceutically funded studies as "real scientific evidence".
See, that's how it works...
The corporation gives big checks to "researchers" who then come up with positive recommendations to the Government to approve these pills for widespread use.
Want to know who one of the biggest political donating classes is?
It's Big Pharma!
Big Pharma gives billions to fund re-election campaigns so once their "guy or girl" is in, they look the other way and give the green light to Big Pharma's brand new concoction.
Why Do Pharmaceutical Giants Turn A Blind Eye To Finding A Solution For Respiratory Conditions, When It's The 3rd & 4th Leading Cause Of Death Globally?
As a respiratory doctor, it truly upsets me everyday, knowing how fatal respiratory illness can be.
It is the 3rd and 4th leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for over 6% of total deaths globally.
The exact problems that you're suffering from led to nearly 200,000 people dying last year.

But here's what blew my mind...
Diabetes is the 9th leading cause of death, accounting for 3% of total deaths.
Obviously, we should take Diabetes seriously...
But why is the 9th leading cause of death, receiving BILLIONS of dollars MORE in funding vs the 3rd & 4th leading cause of death that kills 2X as many people?

And why are there virtually no natural solutions to breathing issues, coughing problems and overall lung health that are well known?
Is it just a big secret?
Or is the natural solution purposefully being hidden from us?
And Why Does ALL Your Doctor's Recommendations Only Ever Provide You With Short-Term Relief?
My patients always ask me...
"Why doesn't anything work to fix my breathing issues LONG-TERM?"
From my 11 years of experience helping folks just like you with breathing difficulties...
It all boils down to 2 main problems...

Problem #1 - is that most doctors simply don't have enough time to educate you on the root cause of your breathing issues.
The typical doctor has about 10-20 minutes to spend with each patient, that's why it's easier and faster to just prescribe a pill.
It would take us an hour to educate each patient, and it's simply not realistic given the constraints of the healthcare system.
Problem #2 - is that the most common test called the "Sputum Test" doesn't actually measure how much mucus you have in your chest and throat...
In fact, Sputum tests are only meant to measure the level of bacteria that's growing in your lungs...
.... but it doesn't reveal how much mucus your body is overproducing!

I Discovered Doctors and Health practitioners Have Been HIDING this one thing...
Which is THE REAL REASON behind your breathing issues, uncontrollable coughing & wheezing...
I was shocked when I discovered that there is a specific "harmful protein" in your airways that restricts your airflow in your lungs and causes you to have trouble breathing.
This "Airway Blocking Protein" is called "Trapped Mucus" and it's the missing link to your full recovery.
Now remember, mucus is needed in your body to clean out bacteria and harmful foreign matter from your lungs...
But TRAPPED MUCUS can block airflow within your lungs and act like a magnet to attract bacteria, viruses and fungi into your lungs.
Here's exactly why...
Healthy Lungs Are Meant To Function Like This...

When you’re exposed to pollutants in the air, a healthy lung should operate in the following way:
#1 - Harmful foreign matter & pollutants enters your lungs...
#2 - A normal, healthy level of mucus is produced to clear the foreign matter out of your lungs...
#3 - Your lungs stay clean, your airways never clog up and you can breathe freely.
But if you're having breathing issues,
this is what you may be experiencing...

#1 - Harmful foreign matter & pollutants enters your lungs...
#2 - Your body mistakenly goes into "overdrive mode" and produces an unnecessarily high amount of mucus which can create a "pool of mucus" in your airways
#3 - The "pool of mucus" attracts more bacteria, viruses, and fungi within your lungs which progressively damages your lungs.
#4 - Additionally, this excessive pool of mucus can become "trapped" in your lungs, chest and throat which restricts airflow making it difficult to breathe.
Your bodies built-in mechanism to keep your airways clean Is called "the mucociliary escalator”
This "cleansing system" is complex, but in the simplest terms, it uses mucus to trap dirt, air pollution particles and pathogens so it doesn't stay in your lungs and cause an infection.

But when your lungs are damaged, your bodies built-in mechanism can work against you, by producing an unhealthy amount of mucus in your airways, which can...
- Clog up your lungs
- Restrict your breathing
- And even attract MORE bacteria, fungi, and viruses INTO YOUR LUNGS!
The Core Reason Why You Struggle To Breathe
Is Because Of "The Trapped Mucus Cycle''

Stage #1:
You're continuously exposed to cigarette smoke, pollutants, or another irritant that is the trigger...

Stage #2:
The toxins from this exposure attract bacteria, viruses, fungi

Stage #3:
Your body, in order to protect itself, produces "Excess mucus" to deal with this bacteria

Stage #4:
This Excess mucus Attracts more & more bacteria Making You sicker and sicker, & Clogs Your Airways!
When Your Lungs Are Damaged And You Continually Produce Excess Mucus... Your Body Enters A Vicious Cycle Which May Eventually Become Fatal!

- Your lungs start to get damaged after years of exposure to smoking, chemicals, allergens or pollutants in the air.
- This sets off a chain of events that will leave you suffering and feeling like a prisoner in your own body.
- Your body sees these irritants as a foreign enemy and works to produce more and more mucus to fight off the attacker.
- Your body's defense mechanism becomes it's own worst enemy and your body produces so much mucus, that you're literally clogging your airways...
And this is the real reason why you have trouble breathing and can't stop coughing!
If your lungs continually produce excess mucus, that clogs up your airways...
You may become more susceptible to lung diseases.
If excess mucus builds up, it could allow bacteria, fungi, and viruses to thrive in your lungs, causing lung damage and decreased oxygenation.

Lung diseases make breathing extremely difficult.
And patients can have life-threatening respiratory illness when the mucociliary escalator cannot maintain lung health.
So a simple problem of overproduction of mucus can literally kill you!
(Reading this article right now may be what will save your life so keep reading until the very end!)
This Also Explains Why Common Treatments FAIL For So Many People!

Cough mixture: Can Help reduce mucus and treat a cough but cant help clear excess mucus and treat a cough daily, which is again a short term solution to a problem.

Bronchodilators: Bronchodilators are medicines that make breathing easier by relaxing and widening your airways but do not deal with the root cause.

Breathing machine: Helps increase oxygen levels in the blood and improve oxygen supply to the organs ,but doesn't deal with the root problem.

Oral steroids: They help reduce the inflammation in your lungs caused by flare-ups but do not deal with the root cause of the problem.

Spirometer/ breathing exercises: Can help open up your lungs, but does not deal with the root cause of the problem.
This Explains Why Common Treatments Fail Many Adults Over 50

Guaifenesin (Common ingredient found in over the counter cough and mucus medicine) : Works for temporary removal of excess mucus, but cant clean excess mucus on a daily basis which is vital to your recovery.

Cough mixture: Can Help reduce mucus and treat a cough but cant help clear excess mucus and treat a cough daily, which is again a short term solution to a problem.

Breathing machine: Helps support people with lung conditions perform daily tasks, but cant clear excess mucus daily which is the root cause of your problem.

Spirometer/ breathing exercises: Can help you open up the lungs, but cant help you clear excess mucus daily.

Humidifier: Helps to clean the air but doesn't help clear excess mucus daily.
So how do we STOP and REVERSE this downward spiral that is forcing you to suffer?

The body does its best to sweep the airways clean, but often it is a herculean task that cannot be automatically accomplished day after day.
And unfortunately if your body starts producing way too much mucus in your airways, blocking them, it could lead to you literally choking on your own mucus.
This is the reason why we need to help out our lungs with daily mucus clearance...
As airway clearance every single day helps your "mucociliary escalator" function more effectively, reducing the likelihood of "trapped mucus" in your airways
It's simple, your body needs to have a daily airway clearance routine to not only eliminate the excess mucus, but also remove the bacteria.
Eliminate the trapped mucus and bacteria, and your body starts fixing itself from the inside...

If you keep your airways free from trapped mucus daily, you'll start feeling better immediately.
You'll instantly feel like a brand new person!
Your drains that were clogged shut, have been freed and you can finally breathe again fully and deeply.
And the best part is...
When you unlock the power of a daily airway clearance routine, keep your airways clean so trapped mucus isn't produced in the first place.
Now, it's critical that you begin using a daily airway clearance routine.
Because the trapped mucus can become a magnet for bacteria, fungi, and viruses to attack you.
It's not magic, it's science!
You could reverse this downward spiral with a simple, easy-to-use daily routine that unclogs the blocked, trapped mucus.
Instantly, your lungs regains it's normal function and your symptoms fade away and you feel better naturally.
"Unless You Have A Daily Mucus Clearance routine You May Be Stuck With trapped mucus and shortness of breath FOREVER..."

Inside of you right now, there are damaged areas in our lungs with little or no cilia to clear the excess mucus in your airways.
This mucus needs to be removed, otherwise bacteria, viruses and fungi can feed on it and multiply.
Hopefully you're starting to realize why it's vital to adopt a daily airway cleaning routine to keep the airway mechanism from producing excess mucus.
"If you keep your airways free from excess mucus daily, you'll start breathing better and feeling better..."

Now that I discovered this...
Next was figuring out HOW to fix it…
I spent years trying to help people with low energy, decreased mobility, and poor sleep caused by all sorts of health complications...
But when it came to chronic breathing problems and uncontrollable coughing...

The natural formulas I was formulating weren’t getting them the results they so desperately needed...
But what if I could find a way to help the body naturally support lung health by cleaning excess mucus on a daily basis to attack and fix the root cause and not just covering up the symptoms?
In order to do this, I had to figure out how to clean out mucus every single day (not just a fix here or there) from the inside out…
"A long lost scientific research paper by 2 world renowned doctors in the 1800's revealed a secret way to clear out excess mucus From Your Lungs naturally..."
Dr. Wilson says...
"I myself for 10 years was a sufferer from chronic bronchitis.
Every evening I became hoarse, and experienced great pain, dryness of the trachea, and constant desire to clear my throat, which ruined my ability to sleep.
I tried using an exotic yellow herb called Mullein, and nothing could have been more speedy and efficient in procuring relief."
His colleague Dr. Gardner agreed and stated:

"Mullein is very popular here and is deemed to be useful as an expectorant and demulcent.
For coughs, both acute and chronic, Mullein has the soothing effects I desired.
This is the most effective treatment for breathing or coughing problems."
After uncovering their research journals, I wondered, how could Mullein have such a powerful effect on treating the root cause of breathing problems? - EXCESS MUCUS!
This Exotic Herb Acts Like
"A Drain For Your Excess Mucus"
This Exotic Herb Acts Like "A Drain For Your Excess Mucus"
So what are all of the benefits from this powerful plant from nature?
Well first, what is Mullein?
Mullein is an "expectorant", which simply means it helps the body expel excess mucus.
Usually by helping make your coughs more productive, to bring up mucus that may be settling in the chest or in the throat.
Mullein is also a "demulcent", which means it helps to relieve inflammation or irritation in the lungs!

The mullein flower is known to reduce inflammation and can sooth the respiratory tract, allowing you to breathe easier.

This is why we've received so many emails of people calling Mullein "Like a drain for their lungs".
Because Mullein helps remove any 'excess mucus build up' from the lungs and it helps the lungs purge themselves of any toxins, pollutants and foreign matter you may have been breathing in.
Mullein helps sooth irritation of your lungs, throat, and bronchial passages that may lead to difficulty breathing.
Shortness of breath and coughing can be alleviated with regular consumption of mullein.
Here's the 3 main reasons why Mullein is
"Nature's #1 solution to breathing problems"
Here's the 3 main reasons why Mullein is "Nature's #1 solution to breathing problems"
#1 - Helps Reduce Inflammation In The Lungs
Mullein has been used for thousands of years to treat respiratory conditions.
Scientists believe that Mullein is especially effective at relieving symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
And if you're still reading this right now, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief that you have both science and nature on your side to defeat this enemy.
Mullein beats coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath by reducing inflammation, thus helping relax the muscles in your respiratory tract.
Many experts have concluded that Mullein fights inflammation because the leaves contain an extract with powerful antioxidant and healthy inflammation response that helps to rid the body of mucus and soothes the raw, inflamed tracts of your system, like your throat.
#2 - Mullein helps support a healthy immune system
Here's great news that will bring a smile to your face, scientists call Mullein "Nature's Bacteria Killer".
Researchers at Clemson University confirmed the antibacterial properties of mullein.
In 2002, these researchers reported that the plant’s extracts are effective against several species of disease-causing bacteria.
One test-tube study found that mullein extract inhibited several strains of bacteria, including Bacillus cereus, which commonly occurs in soil and food.
Another test-tube study noted that mullein extract reduced the growth of certain types of bacteria that cause infections.
Scientists have concluded that Mullein may help support the immune system which boosts the health of the respiratory system.
#3 - Helps clear excess mucus in your lungs so you can finally experience a long-needed breath of fresh air
It may help with old coughs that have, over time, worn down and inflamed the soft hairs of the lungs.
A tightness may be preventing full intake of breath.
Mullein lubricates the mucus lining of the lungs and helps loosen stubborn mucus in the chest.
It opens up the constricted airways and serves as an "expectorant" to push that tough stagnant mucus out, offering you to breathe normally again.
Mullein has natural mucilage which soothes, coats, and protects the respiratory system from the mouth to the lungs.
Now, I know I've been going through a lot of complex scientific jargon.
But here's all you need to remember.
Mullein naturally clears mucus from your airways, which is VITAL for you to do on a daily basis to feel better.
Mullein helps clear excess mucus build-up in your lungs, thus opening up blocked and semi-closed airways.
This helps you restore maximum lung capacity.
Results are immediate because the Mullein clears out the mucus from your lungs and restores your mucocilliary elevator to work efficiently again to clear out mucus before it can build up!
Imagine the relief you'll experience after years of backed up phlegm and mucus finally get pushed out.
Picture how amazing you'll feel when your body cleanses itself of these toxins, soothes your muscle lining within your lungs, and creates healthy new mucus linings.
Imagine feeling relief from this nightmare within hours of taking your first dose!
Mullein is trusted, recommended, and even used by hundreds of pulmonologists to help eliminate coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
Since Mullein comes from nature, not a lab, it is 100% safe, effective, and side-effect free.
You can now clear out, strengthen, and expand your lungs without having to use toxins, chemicals, or steroids.
You've suffered for too long, your body deserves to be nourished in order to deepen and relax your breathing to release anxiety and help you feel normal again.
Checkout What People Are Saying About Mullein...

An amazing little-known plant
"My breathing problems progressively got worse and worse until I was debating on seeing a pulmonary rehabilitation expert...
I couldn't sleep, but I was exhausted all day...
I'd experience fits of uncontrollable coughing episodes every 10-20 minutes...
and no matter what I tried, NOTHING WORKED.
I finally took Mullein and within 24 hours, I felt 75% better...
In the matter of a week, I forgot I ever had difficulty breathing.
I was completely back to normal and the nightmare was over.
My doctor is shocked, but he says, if it works, then keep taking it ...
I'll be a customer for life, 5 stars, highly recommend!"

Mullein worked when over the counter meds didn't...
I've always been skeptical of natural solutions, but I researched it myself... the science is sound...
My doctor even recommended Mullein because it works when mainstream options stop working or aren't effective enough to clear the mucus out...
He told me to get some Mullein from a trusted source online and I trusted his word, even though I've never bought a natural supplement.
Thank God I did, within 48 hours, I was cleared right up.
I feel way more energy and I sleep like I haven't slept in decades.
My breathing problems were limiting my mobility and I started feeling almost disabled...
I couldn't walk up the stairs or plant in the garden and it eroded my quality of life.
I was so surprised that it's not more popular honestly, it's a hidden gem if you struggle with coughing, wheezing, or difficulty breathing.
I tell all my friends, family and neighbors about it.
Highly recommend!
Thanks to this "Gift From Nature" - folks just like this and thousands of other former sufferers are living free from breathing problems.
And since this natural remedy is working so well for these folks, can you imagine how it could change your life?
Just picture it...
You could go to your kids or grandkids sports games or dance recital...
Or just go for a walk and feel the sun on your face again.
And can you imagine how amazing it’ll feel to finally get a good night’s sleep?
Instead of waking up tossing and turning every few hours with a cough that just won't go away no matter what you do...
You’d be able to sink peacefully into your bed and sleep through the night like a baby.

After discovering Mullein, I felt like jumping up and praising God because, for the first time in years, I finally felt like I was ACTUALLY going to help people.
I know what it feels like to count the minutes trying to make it through the day.
Your life has turned into "survival mode" because the frustration is unbearable...
To feel the agony slowly taking over your entire life until you feel like you’re dying inside.
I know that if you’ve been struggling with breathing problems for years…
It slowly eats away at your confidence, self-esteem, and happiness...
Even if you’ve tried everything out there…
There is hope!
You can do something to support your lung health.
And I genuinely want to help you in your journey.
So I decided to contribute to the cause by encapsulating the power of this potent “remedy”...
And Call It
The Mucus Destroyer®

The truth is... if you want to support your lung health and no longer want to neglect it.
Then The Mucus Destroyer is exactly what you need, the only regret you'll have is you wish you got it sooner!
It's specifically designed to help ease coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing.
And fighting against mucus to defeat it naturally.

The science-backed ingredients in The Mucus Destroyer can help you feel better than you have in months or perhaps even years.
So, if you’re ready to finally feel like you're in control of your own life...
Then the Mucus Destroyer is for you.
The Mucus Destroyer helps fight against Mucus by empowering your daily airway clearance routine…
Believe me, you’ll be amazed at how much better the Mucus Destroyer helps you feel.
Simply take a few drops, and within just a short time you will start feeling incredible results.

The first thing you’ll notice is how much looser your chest feels, no more tightness.
Next, you might realize you’ve gone for hours without a single cough...
It won’t be long before you feel normal again, how amazing would that feel?
Enjoying the freedom and joy of never worrying again.
You’ll be able to do all your favorite activities again… just like when you were a kid.
The best thing about it is that The Mucus Destroyer contains the highest quality ingredients out there.
We process our formula in small batches so we can make sure you get the purest, most powerful formula there is.
And because our facility is GMP-certified you can be sure every single ounce is produced under the safest, strictest and highest standards possible.

The Mucus Destroyer is safe to use, and it tastes amazing.
How exciting would it be to watch your favorite sports team?

Give your grandkids a piggy-back ride...
Or go for a hike with your friends?
And what if you could finally get back to the gym?
You’d be able to lose the extra weight, and show off your slim, fit body...
Throw away your pajamas...
And splurge on that outfit you’ve been eyeing.
Best of all, you’ll stop believing that life has passed you by…
... and start being the producer, the director and the writer of your life.
But there’s one thing you should know.
The Mucus Destroyer works great because Mullein is powering it to attack and fix the root cause of the problem.
No more temporary, short term fixes that leave you feeling frustrated again and again.

But I wanted to make it the most effective mucus destroying product out there by addressing real cause which is clearing your airways on a daily basis…
Finally, after months of researching clinical data, we created an even more potent formulation.
After trying it out… we were amazed to discover it was even MORE effective.
And while that was surprising, what was even more astonishing was that people who tried it out…saw even better results than before!
Remember, the longer you live with this problem, the more and more the mucus gets lodged and the more difficult it is to clear it out...
Thankfully, Mullein is the #1 mucus busting plant in the world.

The Mucus Destroyer can help...
- Clears out phlegm and mucous
- Soothes smooth muscle lining within the lungs
- Cleanses toxins
- Creates healthy new mucous linings
- Removes blockages and phlegm plugs
- Increases lung circulation
- Deepens and relax breathing
- Nourishes the lungs with essential vitamins and minerals

Renowned Respiratory Therapist Elizabeth Moffett Recommends Using This Extract Along With Breathing Exercises Everyday!
"I am a practicing respiratory registered therapist and certified educator who has been teaching students for 12 years while running my rehabilitation clinic.
I must say, I really love the quality of this product and my clients find this extract extremely effective at helping people with respiratory issues breathe better & clear the excess mucus in their lungs, especially when paired with the right breathing exercises!"
Once you have the energy, strength and power that come with trusting your body… you’ll be able to do the impossible.
You’ll turn your weaknesses into strengths and tap into the power that makes you the mighty warrior you are.
No doubt about it.

When you master your body, you’ll also master your mind…and open yourself up to a world of possibilities.
Now after hearing everything that The Mucus Destroyer does...
I know you’ll want to get ahold of it as soon as you can.
I’d love to give you the link to the order page right away, but before I do that...
I need you to let you know something very important.
The Mucus Destroyer isn’t for everyone.
As I mentioned earlier, we scoured the world in order to find the most effective, highest quality ingredients.
We don’t use any antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives.
Plus, The Mucus Destroyer is made in an FDA approved facility.
But right now, there’s a huge supply chain crisis problem.
That means, it is unfortunately possible that we could run out of the The Mucus Destroyer.

However, we’re absolutely unwilling to sacrifice the quality of our product by using cheaper, less potent substitutes.
With all the shortages, we have to make sure everyone who wants to use The Mucus Destroyer has a chance to get it.
That’s why if you want access, you’ll need to meet two simple qualifications first.
Criteria #1:
I don’t want The Mucus Destroyer to just sit on your shelf.
Criteria #1:
I don’t want The Mucus Destroyer to just sit on your shelf.
If you buy it, I want you to take it… and get the full benefits.
If you want to get true results, you need to commit to taking The Mucus Destroyer every day… rain or shine.
Criteria #2:
You don’t need to be a Navy SEAL to know there are no quick fixes.
Criteria #2:
You don’t need to be a Navy SEAL to know there are no quick fixes.
Real change takes time.
That’s why you must be committed to taking The Mucus Destroyer for the long term.
Believe me, my patients always tell me that the first time they tried it out The Mucus Destroyer, they felt like a new person.
There’s nothing like the feeling of being in control of your body again.
But that great feeling of being able to live life again - didn’t stop there.
The longer they took The Mucus Destroyer , the better they felt.
That’s why I recommend you order at least a 3-month supply.
It’s the best way to make sure you always have enough The Mucus Destroyer on hand.
If you fit the two criteria I mentioned above, then you qualify for a special discount.

This Discount Will Automatically Be
Applied, However, If You Leave This Page
You Lose it Forever...

Now, if you take advantage of the bulk discount and you choose the 3 or 6 bottle packages, you'll also receive a few special bonuses...
Bonus 1 - "Breathing & Exercise Techniques To Improve Lung Capacity Ebook"

First, you'll receive the "Breathing & Exercise Techniques To Improve Lung Capacity eBook"
With our own experience, Martha saw the best results when we combined The Mucus Destroyer with specific breathing and exercise techniques to open her airways and speed her recovery...
And I get it, you may be thinking... "I can't exercise, I feel terrible... I'm exhausted... or I don't have the energy to work out?"
I've got you covered, because these are simple, easy exercises that will make you feel better and help you clear out your mucus buildup even faster.
Having trouble breathing or experiencing breathlessness can be a very scary experience, I get it.
However, panic, worry and anxiety, which are natural responses to this, will often make it even harder to breathe regularly again.
Once breathlessness starts, it can easily cascade out of control, becoming worse and worse if not appropriately managed quickly.
It is important to take a step back, pause, and regroup to be able to effectively implement proven strategies and regain control.

The breathing and exercise technique to improve lung capacity eBook will teach techniques that doctors and researchers recommend for people with lung-related breathing issues.
We will not only introduce you to the most effective breathing exercises and how to practice them, but also help in understanding how they work and what the best times are to use them.
One thing that makes breathing exercises such a valuable treatment option is the fact that they can be applied anytime and anywhere as long as the steps are learned and understood.
So say you're in your car and struggling to breathe, you'll learn simple techniques to instantly feel better by using the power of your own body and breath.
They're 100% safe, extremely effective, and simple enough for anyone to learn quickly and are great techniques for your lung problems.
When you order the Mucus Destroyer, you'll automatically and instantly receive your eBook today!
Feel the difference yourself and send an email telling me how amazing you now feel.
TODAY: RRP ($97!)
(With The 3 Or 6 Bottle Package)
Bonus 2 - "The 7 Day Tea Lung Detox Ebook"

The next bonus you'll receive for free today is the "The 7 Day Tea Lung Detox eBook"
Within just 7 days of nurturing your lungs with the gentle power of this herbal tea, you'll transform the way you breathe!
This E-book can help smokers present and past, city dwellers, athletes, and those with recurring lung issues fall in love with the herbs and teas discussed in the eBook.
Ever wonder which herbs and teas are best to open your airways and clear out your mucus?
Look no further, everything is inside this information packed eBook to make you feel better about the journey to recovery.
Learn easy techniques that can transform your lungs in just 7 days.
This eBook will help you
- Remove blockages and phlegm
- Deepen and relax breathing
- Increase lung circulation
- Nourish the lungs with essential vitamins and minerals
- And much, much more!
You do not want to miss out on these special bonuses, so order The Mucus Destroyer today and you'll get both bonuses for free.
You'll receive them immediately to your email, so you'll begin your road to recovery literally within seconds of pressing the button below.
But I want to go 1 step further and make your choice even easier today...
TODAY: RRP ($97!)
(With The 3 Or 6 Bottle Package)
The Mucus Destroyer has been optimized for potency, purity, and safety.

Normally, we’d charge at least $200 a bottle.
As I mentioned earlier...
The Mucus Destroyer contains the most powerful form of Mullein on the planet specifically formulated to beat mucus naturally and keep your airways free from trapped mucus daily...
Plus, it's formulated to support long term lung health when you use it everyday!

And to make sure we have the highest quality, we source from all over the world.
The Mucus Destroyer cannot be bought in a store.
And while I know that many of you would snap up The Mucus Destroyer at $200...
if it meant ending the nightmare of breathing problems and lung issues...
I know that times are hard right now.
I want to make sure that everyone who wants to, has a chance to get their own supply of The Mucus Destroyer.
No one should have to suffer, just because they’re struggling financially.
So I decided to slash the price, and make The Mucus Destroyer even lower.
Because our goal is to help as many families become free from mucus problems forever...
Fortunately, we were able to get it down to just $69 a bottle.
That’s just $2.30 a day…
… less than the cost of a cup of coffee.
And I'm not talking about Starbucks coffee...
It's HALF the price of a cup of Starbucks!!!
It's more than 30% off the regular price right now!
Now look, while that’s a massive discount...
I have an even better deal for you...
Since Mullein is a rare ingredient that is difficult to source...
And because the entire world is experiencing massive supply chain issues...
I want to make a special offer for you right now...
... Here it is: the more bottles you buy, the bigger discount we can give you.
Plus, if you order at least three bottles, you'll only pay $59 per bottle...
But our absolute best value is the 6 bottle package...
When you order 6 bottles, you'll only pay $49 per bottle today...
So you could end up getting all the benefits of The Mucus Destroyer for just $1.63 a day!
Oh, and one last thing…
Remember, The Mucus Destroyer is NOT sold in stores.

So if you want to take advantage of this special discount, I suggest you stock up right now.
Because the truth is we cannot guarantee we won't run out of supply...
The demand for The Mucus Destroyer has been far greater than anything I could've anticipated...
You don't want to run out of The Mucus Destroyer when you desperately need it...
Or even worse...
Can you imagine pulling out your credit card right now...
Heading to the order page...
... only to see a big fat “SOLD OUT”sign?
I’d hate to see that happen to you.

In a few short moments, you'll see a big yellow button that says “add to cart.”
Click it, and you’ll be taken to the order page.
Once you choose the package that’s right for you, you’ll be taken straight to a secure order page.
This secure checkout page uses the same level of security as websites like amazon.com does to protect your privacy and information...
Fill out all of the details, and click the order button.
You’ll get your first order of The Mucus Destroyer right to your doorstep in just 4-7 business days.
Oh, and don’t forget to keep an eye out.
Because once your order arrives, you’ll want to take some right away, following this daily routine.

Every day you’ll be giving your body what it needs to be healthy, strong, and active again...
I've heard countless stories of people just like you who went from feeling disabled to feeling decades younger...
We got an email last week with the subject "Is this the fountain of youth??"
After all, why wait to ease your throat and chest, restore your ability to breathe normally again and end the constant coughing?
If you’re like some of our customers, you could start seeing a difference in just a few days or less...
You could see the agony fade away to become a distant memory...
The tightness and stress finally subside...
And the unbearable fatigue could vanish completely.
Imagine just getting a full night's sleep...
How long has it been?
You deserve to sleep like a baby...
How amazing would it be to stop being a prisoner in your own body?
You’d be able to spend time with family and friends without worrying what they think when you start the 3rd coughing fit that night…
Spend time with your significant other on a beautiful dinner date...
Or just spend a day doing what you love...
It won’t take long before everyone starts wondering about the new you.
"What's your secret?" They ask...
And you can feel good knowing it's a gift from nature that helped you feel better...
As the weeks pass, you’ll be able to smile and hold your head up as you get even stronger.
And if your neighbors sneak over & ask you how you did it…

… I hope you’ll share the secret of The Mucus Destroyer with them too.
I’ve seen it happen for thousands of people, and I want to see it happen to you too!
But before you get your supply of The Mucus Destroyer…
I want to make sure you feel completely comfortable with your decision.
That’s why I’d like to offer you…

Our “Try It Before You Buy It”
I’m so sure you'll be happy with The Mucus Destroyer, that I’d like to
give you a full 90 days to try it out.
Order it, try it out.
If after 90 days you’re not absolutely thrilled with the results…
we’ll give you every penny of your money back.
No questions asked.
Listen, I’m just a regular person like you.
We’re a family-run business, not a big, faceless corporation that’s out to profit from you.
After everything I have been through, we just want to help others get their lives back again.
If you're anything like the countless people we've helped...
You're sick and tired of suffering and want to finally end the nightmare...
You just want to get your life back and start living again...
I strongly believe each and every person has an obligation to make this world a better place, in whatever way they can.
It’s just the right thing to do.
And if that means I can help just a few more people…
and live the life they’ve been dreaming of…
… then I’ve done my job.
So right now, you have two choices.
You can keep fighting to get through another day...
Praying you can make it through...
And hoping your spouse and family don’t get sick of you...
Leaving you all alone.
Or you can refuse to be broken and rise again as the powerful warrior you’re meant to be.
All you have to do is try out The Mucus Destroyer.
And you won’t have to worry anymore.
Instead, you’ll be able to defy the odds and start living a whole new life.
You’ll be unstoppable.
Click the button below to get started.
Remember, there’s no telling how long this will be in stock.
I don’t want to see you without the one thing you need to make a huge difference in your life.
So don’t wait - click the "Add to Cart" button below to get started.
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
60,000+ Customers Worldwide LOVE Using This Extract To Clear Out The Excess Mucus From Their Lungs Everyday!

6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
Here’s What Others Are Saying About
The Mucus Destroyer®

"I have meticulously reviewed countless lung and breathing solutions and found The Mucus Destroyer to be one of a kind."
If you've been suffering from uncontrollable coughing and difficulty breathing, I recommend The Mucus Destroyer.

Thank Goodness there is The Mucus Destroyer
“Thank Goodness there is The Mucus Destroyer, This gentle herb seems to focus its energy in a very effective way in the lungs, and it gets to work fast! If you suffer from breathing issues, wheezing, coughing, then you really need to try The Mucus Destroyer”

Best Decision I’ve Made
“Thank God I found out about The Mucus Destroyer, I ordered a 6 month supply, and right away I noticed a big difference!”

What have you got to lose?
“I heard about The Mucus Destroyer and thought I would give it a shot, so I ordered a 6 month supply and MAN, has this been a game changer. This is a great product and if you have not tried this for your difficulty breathing or excess coughing, then I highly urge you to give it a shot. What have you got to lose?"
*Some reviews above received compensation (such as a free bottle) for their review & likeness, when someone does something nice for us we believe in giving back 🙂
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Mucus Destroyer®

Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
This natural, yet scientifically proven formula works day and night to keep you breathing free, healthy, and happy.
Here's What to Expect Next...

After you click through this page, you’ll be taken to our secure order page that’s protected by a 256-bit encryption system...
This is the same level of security used by companies like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, so your information is always 100% protected.

… Then, depending on where you live, you should have your very first supply of The Mucus Destroyer® at your doorstep within just 5-7 days.
(Shipping is 100% free for 3 bottles or more by the way).
Now, when your package arrives on your doorstep...
Here’s what I want you to do.

Take the recommended dosages per day...
And then watch carefully...
pay close attention to how you feel...
Because if you’re not 100% satisfied with the quality you get from The Mucus Destroyer®, then I want you to send us an email so we can return every single dime of your investment - no questions asked.
If The Mucus Destroyer® doesn’t work exactly like I say it does...
You don’t owe us one red cent.
So click the button below now to order your 6-month supply, or whatever amount makes the most sense to you...
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
Here's exactly what you'll get in the mail when you decide to order...
#1: Your delivery box of The Mucus Destroyer® ...

Now that you have all the info you need, click below to get started on your order...
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Mucus Destroyer®
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
6 Bottles


Regular Price: $594
3 Bottles


Regular Price: $297
Good Value
1 Bottle


Regular Price: $99
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4740163/
- https://www.webmd.com/lung/dont-ignore-breathing-problems
- https://www.healthline.com/health/copd/non-smoker
- https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/household-air-pollution-and-health
- https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/diseases/copd.html
- https://www.statista.com/chart/27280/number-of-people-living-in-us-counties-with-unhealthy-air-pollution-levels/
- https://statistics.blf.org.uk/copd
- https://bronchiectasis.com.au/physiotherapy/principles-of-airway-clearance/airway-clearance-in-the-normal-lung
- https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2019.00106
- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mucociliary-escalator/
- https://www.healthline.com/health/natural-cough-expectorants-cough
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16222647/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12241986/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2952292/
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/mullein-tea
- https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-mullein-tea#1+
- https://www.mdpi.com/2079-7737/10/7/618
- https://www.respiratorytherapyzone.com/herbs-that-clear-mucus
- https://www.mulleinleaf.com/page/everything-you-need-to-know-about-mullein-extract
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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.
Medical Disclaimer: The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.